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- Demolition of the derelict former SRO at 500 Dunsmuir Street began Saturday morning, January 18, 29025. The work is expected to take all weekend.Photo by Jason Payne /PNG
- Demolition of the derelict former SRO at 500 Dunsmuir Street began Saturday morning, January 18, 29025. The work is expected to take all weekend. Jason Payne/ PNGPhoto by Jason Payne /PNG
- Demolition of the derelict former SRO at 500 Dunsmuir Street began Saturday morning, January 18, 29025. The work is expected to take all weekend.Photo by Jason Payne /PNG
- Bystanders watch the demolition of the derelict former SRO at 500 Dunsmuir Street began Saturday morning, January 18, 29025. The work is expected to take all weekend. Jason Payne/ PNGPhoto by Jason Payne /PNG
- Demolition of the derelict former SRO at 500 Dunsmuir Street began Saturday morning, January 18, 29025. The work is expected to take all weekend. Jason Payne/ PNGPhoto by Jason Payne /PNG
- Demolition of the derelict former SRO at 500 Dunsmuir Street began Saturday morning, January 18, 29025. The work is expected to take all weekend. Jason Payne/ PNGPhoto by Jason Payne /PNG
- Demolition of the derelict former SRO at 500 Dunsmuir Street began Saturday morning, January 18, 29025. The work is expected to take all weekend. Jason Payne/ PNGPhoto by Jason Payne /PNG
- Demolition of the derelict former SRO at 500 Dunsmuir Street began Saturday morning, January 18, 29025. The work is expected to take all weekend. Jason Payne/ PNGPhoto by Jason Payne /PNG
- Demolition of the derelict former SRO at 500 Dunsmuir Street began Saturday morning, January 18, 29025. The work is expected to take all weekend. Jason Payne/ PNGPhoto by Jason Payne /PNG
- Bystanders watch the demolition of the derelict former SRO at 500 Dunsmuir Street began Saturday morning, January 18, 29025. The work is expected to take all weekend. Jason Payne/ PNGPhoto by Jason Payne /PNG
- Bystanders watch the demolition of the derelict former SRO at 500 Dunsmuir Street began Saturday morning, January 18, 29025. The work is expected to take all weekend. Jason Payne/ PNGPhoto by Jason Payne /PNG
- Demolition of the derelict former SRO at 500 Dunsmuir Street began Saturday morning, January 18, 29025. The work is expected to take all weekend.Photo by Jason Payne /PNG
- Demolition of the derelict former SRO at 500 Dunsmuir Street began Saturday morning, January 18, 29025. The work is expected to take all weekend.Photo by Jason Payne /PNG
- Demolition of the derelict former SRO at 500 Dunsmuir Street began Saturday morning, January 18, 29025. The work is expected to take all weekend.Photo by Jason Payne /PNG
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Photographer Jason Payne captures the demolition of a 115-year-old heritage building on Dunsmuir Street. The demolition was ordered by the city due to safety concerns. The work is expected to take all weekend.
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