Alcohol now allowed permanently at these seven Vancouver beaches
Jericho Beach, John Hendry Beach, Kitsilano Beach, Locarno Beach, New Brighton, Spanish Banks, and Stanley Park Second Beach will be open to alcohol use from June to September

The Vancouver park board has approved the consumption of alcohol at seven city beaches over the summer.
On Tuesday night, the board backed a staff report recommending Jericho Beach, John Hendry Beach (Trout Lake), Kitsilano Beach, Locarno Beach, New Brighton, Spanish Banks, and Stanley Park Second Beach be open to alcohol use between the first week of June and the last week of September.
This comes after two summers where alcohol consumption at these beaches was allowed on a trial basis.
Drinking is already permitted in 48 park sites across the city.
According to the staff report, Vancouver’s beaches are among the city’s most popular public spaces, with a growing annual number of visits from residents and visitors.
“Data collected through the 2024 Alcohol on Beaches re-pilot indicates that there is acceptance of the ability to drink on beaches, interest in this activity, and a low number of concerning incidents,” the report read.
“The multi-pronged management approach applied in 2024 resulted in a successful program, and staff are recommending the long-term implementation of the program for Jericho Beach, John Hendry Beach, Kitsilano Beach, Locarno Beach, New Brighton, Spanish Banks, and Stanley Park Second Beach, subject to the annual availability of operating funds.”
Parks board unanimously approved the plan and committed to continuing funding of around $480,000 for program costs — like marketing — and $450,000 to cover Vancouver Police Department costs.
Alcohol cannot be consumed at any time of the year at English Bay Beach, Sunset Beach, Stanley Park Third Beach, Crab Park Beach and beaches along the Fraser River.
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