Letters to The Sun: Millions of Americans will fight Trump and his minions
Re: Pete McMartin: Farewell to my American friends. It’s over. As an American who cares about Canada, here’s my response to Pete McMartin’s column:?Pete, your piece really puts the truth so clearly. I truly understand your frustration and thus your omitting the idea that millions of Americans still will fight the orange man and his minions. His many draconian policy decrees have all come so quickly (which was his Project 2025 puppet-masters’ plan) that people aren’t yet quite sure what are the best ways to fight him. Those of us who will fight him need your help, encouragement and wisdom so we can limit the damage he’s trying to do and get our country back from these wanna-be hijackers of the real essence of what the United States really does stand for. Mark Sherry, Holyoke, Massachusetts Don’t give up on all of us I am your neighbour to the south. Like many people here, I am bombarded with chaos from a man I didn’t vote for (Elon Musk) and a tyrannical narcissist who disregards checks and balances as well as the rule of law (Donald Trump). No one mentions that in many states our Voting Rights Act took a beating, leading to less votes. No one mentions the millions of people who were so disheartened by both candidates that they did not vote at all. I did not do this. My friends and family did not do this. Don’t give up on all of us. We are stuck in this chaos. We too will be crushed by high tariffs. We too will watch how America’s lack of mercy and friendship will negatively impact the world for years to come. Government watchdogs are being summarily fired by the millions. We are moving toward government misinformation and censorship. Free speech and the right to protest are under threat. We too are watching democracy totter. We will miss you dearly.